
Wepresentvideoretargetingusinganimprovedseamcarvingoperator.Insteadofremoving1Dseamsfrom2Dimagesweremove2Dseammanifoldsfrom3Dspace-time ...,Wepresentvideoretargetingusinganimprovedseamcarvingopera-tor.Insteadofremoving1Dseamsfrom2Dimagesweremove.2Dseammanifoldsfrom3Dspace- ...,Anumpyimplementationofforwardenergyfromthepaper“ImprovedSeamCarvingforVideoRetargeting(2008)-axu2/improved-seam-carving.

(PDF) Improved seam carving for video retargeting

We present video retargeting using an improved seam carving operator. Instead of removing 1D seams from 2D images we remove 2D seam manifolds from 3D space-time ...

Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting

We present video retargeting using an improved seam carving opera- tor. Instead of removing 1D seams from 2D images we remove. 2D seam manifolds from 3D space- ...


A numpy implementation of forward energy from the paper “Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting (2008) - axu2/improved-seam-carving.